sabato 5 dicembre 2009

Ecco perchè l'uomo non ama fare shopping

Accompagnare le donne a fare shopping è un incubo per tutti gli uomini. Figuriamoci in questi giorni che siamo sotto Natale. In ogni caso la colpa non è di nessuno. L'atteggiamente differente di un uomo e di una donna davanti a un negozio è infatti il risultato di millenni di evoluzione. In tal caso dovremmo prendercela coi nostri tris, tris, trisavori. Ecco le conclusioni di uno studio pubblicato ieri su The Telegraph... Differing roles in prehistoric times have evolved into differing shopping styles, the researchers believe. While women spent their days gathering food often with children, men were hunters who made specific plans about how to catch and kill their prey. The two approaches to how we used to obtain food mirrors how we shop in modern times, the study believes. He said women would spend hours trying to find the right outfit, present or object, because they had in the past spent ages trying to find the best quality and health giving foods. Men on the other hand, decided in advance what animal they wanted to kill and then went looking for it. Once it was found - and killed - they returned home. Professor Daniel Kruger of the University of Michigan said the study could be the answer to why there was so much conflict when couples shopped together. He said it could also help couples avoid fights in the shops this Christmas if they understood the reasons why each sex had different ways of deciding on the perfect present. Foraging was a daily social activity in prehistoric times and often young children were included, much like they are today when women shop, Prof Kruger said. Women gained the skills of how to get the best quality food in cave man times because if they chose the wrong berry or nut it could kill, he said. "When gathering, women must be very adept at choosing just the right colour, texture and smell to ensure food safety and quality" he said. "They also must time harvests and know when a certain depleted patch will regenerate and yield good harvest again. "In modern terms, women are much more likely than men to know when a specific type of item will go on sale. Women also spend much more time choosing the perfect fabric, colour and texture." Prof Kruger decided to conduct the study after a winter holiday trip with friends across Europe. After exploring sleepy little villages and reaching Prague, the first thing the women wanted to do was shop, Prof Kruger said, and the men could not understand why. "But that is not so unreasonable if you're thinking about a gathering strategy," he said. "Anytime you come into a new area you want to scope out the landscape and find out where the food patches are." Prof Kruger said on the other hand in prehistoric times men had to hunt for specific items which meant they had to be clinical in their approach like they are now with shopping. "Men often have a specific item in mind and want to get in, get it and get out," he said. "It's critical to get meat home as quickly as possible. Taking young children isn't safe in a hunt and would likely hinder progress." Prof Kruger said his research was important because if men and women understood each other's shopping strategies they could avoid arguments in the Christmas rush. "It helps demystify behaviours - guys, myself included, have been puzzled by why women shop the way they do." "Women can have a hard time understanding a man's aversion to it." The research is to be published in the Journal of Social, Evolutionary and Cultural Psychology.

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